
「4歳のワーク もじ」は、清音・濁音の ひらがなの読みやことばが 楽しく覚えられます。多様で意欲のわく問題構成。46問が 形式的に構成されており、最初から最後までたのしく学べます。充実の付属物!シールや表彰状など お子さまのやる気を引き出す工夫がたくさんあります。
B5サイズ( W182 x H255mm )  46ページ

"4-year-old work moji" is a fun way to learn the reading and words of hiragana, which are clear and dakuon. Diverse and motivated problem structure. Forty-six questions are formally organized, and you can enjoy learning from the beginning to the end. Full accessories! There are many ways to motivate your child, such as stickers and certificates of commendation.
B5 size ( W182 x H255mm ) 
Walnut Bookmaking 46Page ( Full Color )